Tuesday, February 18, 2025
LCUSD#9 Families,
I hope you enjoyed the three day weekend! It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through the third grading period. Please help us in reminding your child of the importance of regular daily attendance and work completion. Regular attendance and a positive work ethic are two of the greatest predictors of academic success at any grade level. We want all of our Greyhounds to be set up for second semester success by finishing the third quarter strong!
Mother nature has been less than kind to us so far in 2025. Here we are starting another week with another potential winter storm on the way. I know that last Wednesday’s storm didn’t quite pan out as predicted, and as it turned out we could have made it safely to and from school. My primary concern is keeping students and staff safe based on the most up to date information we can obtain from the National Weather Service in St. Louis. Last week’s storm included borderline temperatures hovering around 32 degrees, and it weakened significantly after the decision had already been made. As you know, we ended up just getting a little bit of rain and some wet streets. Hindsight will always be 20/20, and last week was a miss.
This week, the temperatures are much colder, so any precipitation that falls will be in the form of snow, which has the ability to coat streets and make travel more difficult. Students and staff will be preparing for an E-Learning Day for tomorrow just in case, but please stay tuned to emails and text messages, as a decision on school will likely not be made until later this evening. In the event that we would need to utilize another E-Learning Day, please be reminded of our state-approved plan that is located on the district website and attached here for your convenience.
In the meantime stay safe and warm! It’s supposed to be extremely cold with wind chills potentially dipping below zero multiple days this week. Please be prepared for the cold weather by dressing in layers and wearing a coat, hat, and gloves if you are outside for any length of time. Our school staff members will be prepared for longer than normal parent drop off lines, and we will be patient and excuse any tardies that are a result of these longer lines. Thank you, in advance, for helping us keep all students safe and warm.
Let’s make it a great week, Greyhounds!
Educationally yours,
Matt Noyes, Ed.D.
LCUSD#9 Superintendent
Upcoming Events:
2/17-2/21 - FFA Dress Up Week
2/19 - 3rd Quarter Midterm Grades will be able to be viewed online
2/19 - 3:45PM - JH Coed Bowling @ St. Clair Bowl vs Aviston Jr. High
2/20 - 4:00PM - JH Girls Volleyball (C,B,A games) at Home (High School Gym)
2/24 - 5:00/6:00PM - February Board of Education Meeting @ LES (*note the time change*)
2/25 - 4:00PM - JH Girls Volleyball at Home (High School Gym)
2/28 - Last Day to sign up for the Talent Show Auditions
3/1 - Rock n’ Roll Bingo Fundraiser @ Family Sportsplex - $25 per seat / $175 for a table of 8
3/3 - 4:00PM - JH Girls Volleyball at Home (High School Gym)
3/4 - 4:00PM - JH Girls Volleyball at Home (High School Gym)
3/5 - Talent Show Auditions
3/10 - 4:30PM - Strategic Planning Committee Meeting @ LHS Library
3/10 - 5:00-6:30PM - Community Dinner @ St. Paul UCC (Irish theme with Shepherd’s Pie, salad, rolls, Shamrock cookies - N.H.S. students from LHS will be helping out.)
3/10 - 5:30PM - Finance Committee Meeting @ LHS Library
3/11 - 4:00PM - JH Girls Volleyball at Home (High School Gym)
3/13 - Last Day of the 3rd Quarter (Report Cards will be available to view online March 19th.)
3/13 - 6:00-7:30PM - Family Reading Night @ LES
3/13 - 6:00-7:30PM - Talent Show Practice @ LHS Band Room / Commons
3/14 - No School - Teachers’ Institute Day
3/14 - 7:00PM - LCUSD #9 Talent Show - LHS Commons
4/14 - 5:00-6:30PM - Community Dinner @ St. Paul UCC (Spaghetti dinner with 3 different sauces, bread, salad, assorted desserts)
4/17-4/21 - No School - Easter Break
4/23 - 4th Quarter Midterm Grades will be able to be viewed online
5/12 - 5:00-6:30PM - Community Dinner @ St. Paul UCC (Mexican Night with tacos, guacamole, queso, chips, salsa, assorted desserts)