Junior High Teachers #Greyhoundstrong
If you are planning on participating in the Lebanon Free Lunch Program, please make sure you have signed up by noon tomorrow, Friday, November 13th.
Attention high school basketball players: Tryouts/Practices begin Monday, Nov 16th.
Girls: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:45-5:15
Boys: Mon, Tues, Thurs 6:00-7:30
A current physical and all forms are required to participate.
Attention high school bowlers: all forms and current physicals must be turned before practice begins on Monday and are required for participation. Form packets are available for pickup in the high school office.
Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Thursday, November 12th, 2020
14 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
• Every Thanksgiving, the current U.S. president pardons a turkey.
Attention Drivers: Please remember to bring in a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card to the office to be able to park in the student parking lot. You will pick out your parking space from the list available once you bring those items to the office.
SENIORS!! Jostens will be here TODAY from 8am - 8:20am to talk to you about Cap & Gown. Please go to the Commons ASAP
SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS Jostens will be in the Commons TODAY from 8:20am - 8:40am to talk to you about Class Rings. We will call you out of 1st hour when they are ready
Junior High basketball seasons are indefinitely postponed to fall in line with the IDPH. With the season being postponed, open gyms and practices for junior high basketball are also postponed, and we’ll continue to revisit in the upcoming weeks as we get more information. We hope to have more information regarding high school basketball in the upcoming days.
High School Basketball Open gyms continue this week: PRACTICES begin NEST WEEK
*All athletes must have current physicals on file to participate*
HS Girls Mon-Friday 3-5:15
HS Boys Monday 7-8:30 Tuesday- Thursday 6-7:30
Attention High School Bowlers:
There is a sign-up sheet in the office. Please sign up before TOMORROW. Remote students, please email Nikki at nwaters@lcusd9.org or Penni at pliebig@lcusd9.org . Season starts with practice on Monday, November 16th. Bus time is 3p.m.
You must have a current sports physical on file to participate. Remember to wear your mask and bring a water bottle!!
Monday thru Thursday, Nov. 16 - 19 - Bowling Practice - Bus time 3:00p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Midterms sent home
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
Q: What’s a Turkey’s Favorite Dessert?
A: Apple Gobbler!
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!
SENIORS!! Jostens will be here Thursday, November 12 from 8am - 8:20am to talk to you about Cap & Gown. Please go to the Commons before going to your 1st hour class.
SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS -- Jostens will be in the Commons Thursday, November 12 from 8:20am - 8:40am to talk to you about Class Rings. We will call you out of 1st hour when they are ready.
Lebanon HS/JrH Fundraiser at Lebanon DQ from 5:00-8:00! Come out and support our students!!
Purple Spirit Day
Check out the website for Santa's Kottage!
Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Tuesday, November 10th, 2020
16 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
Americans prepare 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving each year
Attention Drivers: Please remember to bring in a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card to the office to be able to park in the student parking lot. You will pick out your parking space from the list available once you bring those items to the office.
SENIORS!! Jostens will be here Thursday, November 12 from 8am - 8:20am to talk to you about Cap & Gown. Please go to the Commons before going to your 1st hour class
SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS Jostens will be in the Commons Thursday, November 12 from 8:20am - 8:40am to talk to you about Class Rings. We will call you out of 1st hour when they are ready
Junior High basketball seasons are indefinitely postponed to fall in line with the IDPH. With the season being postponed, open gyms and practices for junior high basketball are also postponed, and we’ll continue to revisit in the upcoming weeks as we get more information. We hope to have more information regarding high school basketball in the upcoming days.
High School Basketball Open gyms continue this week: PRACTICES begin the week of Nov. 16th
*All athletes must have current physicals on file to participate*
HS Girls Mon-Friday 3-5:15
HS Boys Monday 7-8:30 Tuesday- Thursday 6-7:30
Attention High School Bowlers:
There is a sign-up sheet in the office. Please sign up before Friday, November 13th. Remote students, please email Nikki at nwaters@lcusd9.org or Penni at pliebig@lcusd9.org. Season starts with practice on Monday, November 16th. Bus time is 3p.m.
You must have a current sports physical on file to participate. Remember to wear your mask and bring a water bottle!!
Wednesday, Nov. 11 – NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day
Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Midterms sent home
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
What do you call a running turkey?
Fast food!
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!
Junior a high teachers red white and blue day! Photo credit to Mrs. Jackson
LES Santa's Kottage!
Hello. We will be having meal pick up tomorrow, Tuesday 10th in observance of Veterans Day on Wednesday. We will have one pick up for all students at Lebanon High School from 8:00-Noon and a pick up at Summerfield from 4:30-5:00pm at Fireman’s Hall tomorrow. The Summerfield time change is due to bus availability. All students are eligible for FREE meals. Free, Reduced and Regular pay students are all now eligible for FREE weekly meals. We hope you will come out tomorrow and take advantage of the FREE meal pick up. Thank you!
Don't forget! Tomorrow night from 5:00-8:00 is LHS/LJHS Night at the Lebanon DQ! A percentage of all sales will be given to LHS/LJHS to benefit our students!!
Attention Lebanon basketball players: The SIJHSAA has postponed the junior high basketball seasons indefinitely to fall in line with the IDPH. With the season being postponed, open gyms and practices for junior high basketball are also postponed, and we’ll continue to revisit in the upcoming weeks as we get more information. We hope to have more information regarding high school basketball in the upcoming days.
Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Monday, November 9th, 2020
17 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the wild turkey, not the Bald Eagle, the national bird of the United States!
Attention Drivers: Please remember to bring in a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card to the office to be able to park in the student parking lot. You will pick out your parking space from the list available once you bring those items to the office.
SENIORS!! Jostens will be here Thursday, November 12 from 8am - 8:20am to talk to you about Cap & Gown. Please go to the Commons before going to your 1st hour class
SOPHMORES and JUNIORS Jostens will be in the Commons Thursday, November 12 from 8:20am - 8:40am to talk to you about Class Rings. We will call you out of 1st hour when they are ready
Basketball Open gyms continue this week: PRACTICES begin the week of Nov. 16th
*All athletes must have current physicals on file to participate*
HS Girls Mon-Friday 3-5:15
HS Boys Monday 7-8:30 Tuesday- Thursday 6-7:30
JH Girls Open Gym every T/Th 3-5pm at LES gym
JH Boys Monday and Wednesday 5-6:30
Attention girls volleyball players:
There will be an open gym TODAY in the LES gym.
Junior High girls 3:00-4:30
High School girls 4:45-6:15
Attention High School Bowlers:
There is a sign-up sheet in the office. Please sign up before Friday, November 13th. Remote students, please email Nikki at nwaters@lcusd9.org or Penni at pliebig@lcusd9.org . Season starts with practice on Monday, November 16th. Bus time is 3p.m.
You must have a current sports physical on file to participate. Remember to wear your mask and bring a water bottle!!
Wednesday, Nov. 11 – NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day
Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Midterms sent home
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an evil spirit?
A: A poultrygeist!
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!
Hello. This is just a reminder of our next stages of student return to school. More details have been posted on our district web pages. We are planning on keeping our daily time schedule the same, but adding additional student attendance days. The next phase will begin tomorrow, Nov. 9th, with the return of Special Needs Students grades PreK-12, at risk students 6th-12th grade, Title and Tier 3 students. On Nov. 23rd we will bring Tier 2, RAP/MAP and failing students. On Dec. 7th all students will return for 4 days of instruction. Students will attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Remote Learning on Wednesday still. As you know these plans may change, but we wanted to be transparent in what our current plans are at this time. We will continue to work hard to keep all staff and students safe.
Just a reminder that LCUSD 9 is offering to prepare free meals for ALL district students starting next week. If you are interested in receiving meals from our Free Lunch Program, please fill out the sign-up form for each of the students you will be picking up meals for.
Our handout next week will take place on Tuesday, November 10th from 8:00-12:00. All meals for November 10th will be distributed from the LHS building. Wednesday handouts will resume the following week, on November 18th, from 7:30-11:00. The following week, their will be a meal handout on Tuesday, November 24th from 8:00-12:00 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will then resume our Wednesday meal pickups starting Dec 2nd.
LES Spirit Wear for the Week of 11/09-13:
Monday 11/09: Patriotic gear (Red, White, & Blue)
Tuesday 11/10: Purple Pride (Lebanon gear)
Wednesday 11/11: Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL
Thursday 11/12: Camouflage Day
Friday 11/13: Purple Pride (Lebanon gear)
Just a friendly reminder that the Remote Learning Sign-Up List closes at 2:15 today.