Hello LCUSD 9 Families- I wanted to make you aware of a change that has been made through our technology department regarding student emails. In accordance with Board Policy 6:235, we are making sure that our networks established for student use are secure and safe for regular use in the district. With that in mind, student email domains were restricted on Tuesday, April 16th, which means that they are not able to email out or get outside emails in within their student email domain. Our guidance counselor continually re- emphasizes the need to use personal emails for college information and accounts. The school district has no legal obligation to allow a student’s district e-mail to be able to send/receive e-mails from outside sources. I apologize for this coming second to the change being made in district, but student safety is and will continue to be our top priority. Respectfully, Dr. Ganey
9 months ago, Amanda Ganey
The Jr High Boy's Basketball team has started open gyms on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:15 for current 4th-7th graders.  Today's open gym will be held in the grade school gym.   Contact Coach Seely with questions at jseely@lcusd9.org
9 months ago, John Seely
9 months ago, Lisa Hardy
Today's home high school baseball game will start earlier due to possible rain/storms in the forecast. We are going to start at 3:45 this afternoon.
9 months ago, Chad Cruthis
Hello bowling intramural participants! Just a reminder that today starts the intramurals that will take place at Hank's Bowl in Trenton. The students will be bused over and brought back to the school. Parent pickup will still be at the rear entrance of the grade school at approximately 4:30. If your student is riding the bus, expect them to be dropped off at the designated location somewhere between 4:35 and 4:50. Thank you for being a part of our Intramural Sports Program ... Growing the pack, one GREYHOUND at a time!
9 months ago, Lori Reinneck
Our 1st ever Lebanon Volleyball Summer Camp is quickly approaching. The Volleyball Camp is May 28-31st and is open to any 5th-12th grade girls (24-25 school year). It doesn't have to be just Lebanon students so if you know anyone looking for a summer volleyball camp the more the merrier. Please see the flyer for more information and sign-up link is below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oRjvw4C-GYekmz16SzMujKPP9c-oWx0npnWsmr2yWxI/edit?usp=drive_web Contact Coach Becker @ dbecker@lcusd9.org with questions.
9 months ago, Donna Wood
VB Camp
Have you ordered your LES yearbook? The deadline is May 1. You can pay by check, cash or MySchoolBucks. We are working hard to make this a timeless keepsake for our students and staff. The cost is $25.00.🏫 📷🐾📚
9 months ago, Donna Wood
Good morning Lebanon CUSD #9. Here is the link for the Board of Education meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. https://meet.google.com/psw-jiup-fdh
9 months ago, Lisa Hardy
April is National Donate Life Month and the IHSA has partnered with Gift of Hope to spread the word about being an organ, eye and tissue donor. Currently there are over 100,000 men, women and children on the national transplant donor list waiting for a donor. 1 registered organ donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and improve over 75 other lives through tissue and cornea donation. A person can also choose to be a living donor and help someone who may need a transplant. My son Jackson was born with kidney disease and has been the recipient of a cadaver donor's kidney and also a live donor kidney (from me). You can feel free to share your spare. You can choose to sign up online at organdonor.gov to be an organ donor. Say Yes and Save Lives!
9 months ago, Chad Cruthis
Today's baseball game at Valmeyer is canceled and will be played on Friday May 3rd at 4:30 in Valmeyer. They will practice after school until 5:00 Softball game is also canceled today and will practice till 4:15
9 months ago, Chad Cruthis
Students in Mrs. Feist's STEM class at LHS utilized our virtual reality goggles equipped with career simulation software. Throughout this quarter, they will be exploring various career options.
9 months ago, Donna Wood
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our district band members under the direction of Ms. Lynn at the Spring Concert yesterday evening. 🎵
9 months ago, Donna Wood
High School Spring Co-op Sports Update As many of you know, we have entered into our 1st year of our 2 year co-op agreement with Wesclin High school for girls basketball, softball and soccer. This past winter we had 5 girls would chose to play basketball and without the co-op they would have not played at all here at Lebanon as we would not have had enough for a team. Chloe Nordmann started many varsity games this year and was a big part of that varsity team. Autumn Guyette, Doreen Lee, Savanah Pontious and Lily Joslin all played on the Junior Varsity team and were an important part of that team because with out those 4 players, Wesclin would not have had enough for a JV team. So we are very proud of those girls and the season they had and for taking the opportunity to play and continue to develop their skills Spring Soccer and Softball Currently we have 1 senior playing soccer, Dache Johnson. Dache has enjoyed the opportunity to play and start for the co-op team. Currently she leads the team in goals scored with 14, which puts her in 10th place in the St. Louis area. They are off to a 3-3-2 start as a team this year! Great job Dache! We also have 4 players playing softball. Seniors Kendal Strozier and Brooke Goetter, Junior Chloe Nordmann and Freshman Britney Davenport. Kendal, Brooke and Chloe are starters on the co-op varsity team and they have helped the team to a 10-4 record to start the season. Brooke is batting .500 and is among the St. Louis metro area leaders in avg, rbi's (16) triples (3)and runs (19). Chloe is batting .388 is among the area leaders with 20 rbi's and Kendal is batting .333 and is among the area leaders in stolen bases with 7. Britney Davenport is playing on the JV team and unfortunately no stats are provided but we are glad to see her out for the softball team getting an opportunity each day to get better. Again these girls would have missed out on an opportunity to play this season if we did not have the co-op, hopefully we can get more girls to come out so that we can get back to having our own teams on our own campus, but until then, we are glad these girls have a chance to continue to play. Good job Greyhounds, keep it up!
9 months ago, Chad Cruthis
The McKendree women's basketball team partners with Mrs. Burress's kindergarten classroom twice a month. During their visits, they help with projects, crafts, and work on building relationships within the community. This week the basketball team helped students create bird feeders, created an obstacle course, colored with students, and made sun crafts.
9 months ago, Donna Wood
Staff wear blue or parents/guardians send your student(s) to school in blue for support of Autism Awareness Month on April 17, 2024.
9 months ago, Jeannette Schorfheide
Autism Awareness
Hi! If you've signed your child up for Intramural Bowling!! Pick up today and Thursday will be behind the Elementary School at 4:15. Thanks for participating in the Intramural Sports Program! Go Hounds!
9 months ago, Lori Reinneck
This is a reminder that parents/guardians must complete the Google Form "LHS Testing Day Permission 2024" before the April 16 test day. Students who do not have the form complete will not be able to attend the McKendree field trip for 9th and 10th graders or leave when testing is complete for 11th graders. If you are unable to open the form from your phone or computer, your student has access in Google Classroom. Please note that you will only answer one question per student: one question specific to juniors or one for freshman and sophomores together. You must complete the form for each student in grades 9-11. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3-K5EOwtShjh7SGRSg9kODHQH_woc7YvoecM2KvyBphd-HQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
9 months ago, Jeannette Schorfheide
Students at Lebanon Elementary School got out to safely view the 2024 Solar Eclipse.
9 months ago, Joanie Thole
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
solar eclipse viewing
Todays coop Wesclin softball game has been moved to Father McGivney Game time 4:30 and bus time is 3:00 Lebanon softball players will be released at 2:30
9 months ago, Chad Cruthis
Good luck Ava (R) at the Annual Southern Illinois Debate League (SIDL) Championship Tournament, hosted by McKendree University this morning.
9 months ago, Donna Wood